Bryan R. Fischer is the leading expert on GD&T per ASME Y14.5 and ISO GPS standards. He has unparalleled understanding of both systems, their strong points, their benefits, the challenges they bring, common misunderstandings and barriers to their proper implementation, and how to remedy these issues. Bryan has decades of experience as a designer, design engineer, checker, trainer, and mentor, he has worked with many manufacturing, inspection, quality, and assembly groups, and he has trained and mentored thousands of people in industry.

GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing), is the dimensioning and tolerancing system used in the U.S. and around the world since the late 1940s. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has developed and maintained the ASME Y14.5 standard for many years. Bryan is a longtime member of the ASME Y14.5 subcommittee and contributor to this important standard.

GPS (Geometrical Product Specifications) is the ISO dimensioning and tolerancing system. ISO GPS is the de facto international dimensioning and tolerancing standard. However, many international companies use ASME Y14.5 as their dimensioning and tolerancing and GD&T standard. ISO GPS encompasses geometric tolerancing (geometrical tolerancing), surface texture, and dimensional metrology.

The ISO GPS system is very similar to the ASME Y14.5 system, and both systems look strikingly similar. However, there are subtle and very important differences between these systems, so much so that being in compliance with one system doesn’t mean being in compliance with the other. There are technical and legal differences between these systems. There are many ways suppliers and distant divisions can be tripped up by working in one system but thinking in the other system. Not understanding the differences can be extremely costly.

Bryan is the foremost expert in both ASME Y14.5 and ISO GPS, and he brings that unique understanding to his clients. Is your employer an international company with a with international offices and a global supply chain? Need to know which system to use, which system is a better fit, suits your needs, isn’t too simple or too complex? Need to understand how to specify GD&T and GPS? Need to know what the GD&T or GPS you have means? Contact us. We can help.

GD&T and GPS for Design

Do your engineers and designers understand why GD&T is needed and how to properly apply it to drawings and annotated models? Do they understand the implications of the dimensioning and tolerancing specifications they put on their drawings and models for the rest of the enterprise and supply chain? Do they know they can apply GD&T and dimensioning and tolerancing specifications to models? We do.

GD&T and GPS for Manufacturing and Inspection

Do your manufacturing, inspection, and assembly personnel understand why GD&T is needed and do they understand what it means? Do they understand how to work with it and determine if parts conform to the specifications? Do they understand how to provide feedback to design to optimize the specifications and balance them with available processes and process capabilities? Do you know how to take advantage of the feedback? We do.

GD&T and GPS for Supply Chain

Do your suppliers understand why GD&T is needed and do they understand what it means? Do they understand how to work with it and determine if parts conform to the specifications? Do they understand how to provide feedback to design to optimize the specifications and balance them with available processes and process capabilities? Do you know how to take advantage of the feedback? We do.

We can help you, your staff, your suppliers, and we can help your bottom line. It’s what we do.