TDP360 LLC What We Do

3D Annotated Model with PMI and GD&T
TDP360 LLC is the home of Bryan R. Fischer – advisor, trainer, author, and recognized leader in GD&T, ISO GPS, Model-Based Definition (MBD), Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), tolerance analysis, product definition methods and related disciplines. *
We help clients understand and implement MBD, MBE, GD&T (ASME Y14.5), ISO GPS **, tolerance analysis, dimensional management, engineering standards and engineering practices. We help companies optimize and balance these systems for their environment, their supply chain, and their bottom line.
Our unique perspective and expertise spans old-school drawing-based methods to today’s data-oriented model-based workflows and maker mindsets. No one can help you like we can…
* Bryan is a longtime participant in ASME standards development (ASME Y14.5, Y14.1, etc.)
** ISO GPS standards include ISO 1101, ISO 2692, ISO 5459, IS0 8015, ISO 14405, and many others. Bryan is a longtime participant in ISO standards development.
Our Services
About Bryan R. Fischer
With over 35 years industrial experience, Bryan is an author, mentor, trainer, and recognized leader in GD&T, GPS, Model-Based Definition (MBD), Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), tolerance analysis, dimensional management, and engineering standards. Bryan has written many books and articles on GD&T, tolerance analysis, engineering drawing and modeling practices, 3D CAD practices, Model- Based Definition (MBD), Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), and understanding engineering drawings (print reading). Bryan has advised large and small companies in many industries for many years, and he has trained thousands of people around the world.

3D MBD and MBE
MBD – Model-Based Definition MBE – Model-Based Enterprise
Does your company want to increase the use of 3D data and take advantage of the promise of MBD and MBE? Do you want to decrease reliance on 2D drawings and their inherent inefficiencies? Would you like to learn more about these inherent inefficiencies? Would you like to do it right, eliminate missteps and missed opportunities? Would your company benefit from a kick start from a leading expert in the field? We can help.
We are the leaders in MBD and MBE auditing, training, and advising.

Bryan R. Fischer is the leading expert on GD&T per ASME Y14.5 and ISO GPS standards. He has unparalleled understanding of both systems, their strong points, their benefits, the challenges they bring, common misunderstandings and barriers to their proper implementation, and how to remedy these issues. Bryan has decades of experience as a designer, design engineer, checker, trainer, and mentor, he has worked with many manufacturing, inspection, quality, and assembly groups, and he has trained and mentored thousands of people in industry.

Training Courses and Workshops
We present workshops in GD&T, GPS, MBD, MBE, tolerance analysis, and related topics. We can help you, your staff, and your supply chain achieve a higher level of understanding, proficiency, and productivity.

Auditing Services
We help clients audit their implementations of GD&T, GPS, MBD and MBE, internally and throughout their extended supply chain. We help clients understand what they should do, and we help them verify that their staff and extended supply chain are doing what they should be doing. Having a training workshop or implementing GD&T or MBE is the first step – you also need to ensure your processes and procedures are sufficient and that your staff and supply chain are doing the right thing with the necessary quality levels. We can help you design your metrics and evaluation and auditing procedures. We also provide third-party auditing services to determine levels of compliance.

Dispute Resolution and Expert Witness
From our first consulting job in 2001 to today, we have helped many companies resolve disputes and avoid litigation. We’ve helped companies save millions of dollars. We know engineering standards and product definition practices very well. As a drafter, designer, and design engineer, a longtime participant in ASME and ISO standards, the author of books on GD&T and MBD, and as the author/editor of the 1200+ page 11th edition of IHS Global Drawing Requirements Manual, Bryan has a lot of expertise. He is the preeminent expert in these areas today. We can help you understand your issue in greater detail and whether your stance is valid. Contact us to find out more.

Consulting and Advising
We offer hourly and project-based advising and consulting services on all topics related to engineering product definition, GD&T, ISO GPS, Model-Based Definition (MBD), Model-Based Enterprise (MBE), tolerance analysis, dimensional management, and engineering standards and business processes.

Business Process Analysis
TDP360 LLC helps clients analyze their current business processes as they relate to CAD, 2D drawings, how drawing data is used, if and how 3D CAD data is used, PDM and PLM, and all peripheral processes. We help you understand how you do business today and help you plan how you will do business tomorrow. Many implementations of MBD and MBE initially struggle or fail because processes were inadequately understood and mapped. This includes current processes, how business is done today and why it is done that way, and how business will be done tomorrow. Detailed studies are done using formal methods or less formal methods depending on client preference.

Checking Services
We offer GD&T checking, drawing checking, quality analysis, and tolerance analysis and tolerance stackup services. Bryan and his partners have decades of industrial experience in design, checking, GD&T, tolerance analysis, inspection, manufacturing, assembly and related areas. We have worked in many industries, as employees and as trainers and consultants. We bring a wealth of knowledge and can help you in a pinch or on an on-going basis.

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